Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well, we've had some Huddy moments this season so far that are wonderful. But we've just recently experienced a few sad Huddy moments, namely most of the episode 6x07 "Known Unknowns." Aside for the great slow dance and personal reflections they shared, the rest of the episode proceeded to crush my hopes of an immediate Huddy relationship. Curse, Lucas, for breaking my House's heart, even if it's two sizes too small most of the time. I think last night's episode had House regressing because of the rejection he received from Cuddy. He seemed kinda mean last night and that makes me worry about the future of the season. He's obviously more of a jerk in the next episode as we see Cuddy yelling at him and Chase punching him in the episode previews. Nice. Hang in there, House. We're all rooting for you!

I continue to recap House for www.spoilertv.com/search/label/house . I post on Friday mornings after the Monday airing. It's the soonest I can get it there as it literally takes about 12 solid hours and when you have 4 kids getting 12 solid hours in a row is impossible. I hope you like the posts. I've had some great feedback and some snarky feedback, but all feedback is welcome because it means people are reading it! You'd think that those Hameron fans would be nicer....