Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wow...what a show!

Man, I just watched House "A House Divided" again and man what a great show it was! Classic House through and through. I can't even begin to tell you all my favorite scenes as just about everyone rocked. I could have done without 13 and the body shot scene, but we did get a good Wilson moment so it's give and take, I guess. What a fine actor Hugh Laurie is. He doesn't even need words to tell a story. That scene at the end with House asking Cuddy for sleeping pills and his struggle with "himself/Amber." Man....Anne Dudek was amazing too. She was near tears, which means House himself was near tears inside in that scene. It's cool to go back through the episode and see it all specifically tuned into the fact that everything Amber says is House's psyche bouncing off itself. Man, poor House is more messed up then we all thought, eh?

The preview for next week's episode got me WAY excited. The bad news is I'll have to wait another two days longer to see it since I'll be in New York City on vacatio, but that's the good news!

My predictions: House tries to shut himself off completely and deal with his hallucinations at home but finally comes in for help. I'm thinking Cuddy goes to his house to find him and he puts the moves on her. I hope it's not another hallucination.....We been teased that something will happen between House and Cuddy, but we've been lied to before. Harumph. I replayed the preview in slow-mo and it looks like House falls in his bathroom and Cuddy is the one running in to help him. They have more clothes on in the "You want to kiss me" exchange so maybe the kiss comes first? Don't know. Can't wait to find out. Talk to you later!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is it real or is it Memorex?

(See photo posted 4/28) Is this more of a hallucination or is House doing a real impression of The Hef? Only 2 more days! Man, two weeks go by WAY to slow when a great show is wrapping up a great season. You may all disagree with the "great season" thing, and I agree that it's not season 1 or 2 caliber, but it's still way better than anything else out there. This show is so much better than every other show that the worst House episode ever is still ten times better than anything else. To make up a House sports analogy...a major league ball player gets injured and is sent home to recuperate. Even if that injured guy goes to the local ball field for a pick-up game he's still gonna be the first one picked and will still be the MVP of the game. His ability is that much greater than the average joe's. And that is House. Major League TV, my friends. Major League.

Photos & Video for 5x22 and 5x23

Picture for episode 5x23 "Under My Skin" Yeah, baby...

Previews here for Monday, April 27 episode "A House Divided" and great photos for both "A House Divided" and "Under My Skin." Things look awesome in the next 3 episodes. I predict House goes a little bit looney...like Hawkeye did in MASH. Don't know, however, as this show is always mixing it up on us!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Entry

Okay, I've got like 2 minutes before I have to go pick up kids so I wanted to post some of my favorite websites out there for House Fans. These sites are reliable and have great info on episodes and goings on. Enjoy: